Retro Themed Bar With Classic Arcade Games

24 days ago

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Busy Bar Operating Two Nights Per Week

About the Business

Currently on offer is a uniquely themed bar that has been operating for two and a half years. Despite its short operating history, it has captured the hearts of locals and visitors due to its incredible drinks and amazing vibe.*$6,000 average weekly takings*Open 2 nights per week*5+5 years lease*$625 weekly rentSimon Sheridan and the team at LINK Melbourne are thrilled to bring to the market this retro-themed bar that operates only two nights per week. It has low cost of goods with no food, serving only alcohol to its patrons. Part of the business's charm are its classic arcade games that attract customers.The business has a small and easy-to-run space in a period building. The premises has a retro 80s-themed arcade game bar with plenty of character. Most customers remain standing within the premises or may choose to have a seat on the limited stools available.Operating the business are two casuals with no need for owner supervision. As such, it enables purchasers to benefit from lifestyle flexibility. The purchaser has the opportunity to pursue growth opportunities and maintain a role in an oversight capacity.The business is located in a high foot traffic location that is constantly exposed to many potential customers. There is an abundance of hospitality establishments in the area that further drive traffic into the area as well as major thoroughfares, enabling great accessibility.To learn more about this exciting business, contact me today! I would be glad to share more details with qualified purchasers.Listing ID: 17113Broker: Simon SheridanPhone: 0400 858 900Email:
Ref: ME02564
Timestamp: 20240605010003

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