TAKE AWAY FOOD - $79,000 (14173)

27 days ago

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TAKE AWAY FOOD "LOWER TEMPLESTOWE AREA" *Taking $6,500pw *Only $462pw rent *6 days, closed Sundays *High profits Fully renovated set up, nothing to spend. Fantastic location in a prestig

About the Business


*Taking $6,500pw
*Only $462pw rent
*6 days, closed Sundays
*High profits

Fully renovated set up, nothing to spend. Fantastic location in a prestige suburb. Plenty of street parking. Simple to run. Low rent. Huge residential area, surrounded by huge luxury homes.

Keen Vendor. Offers invited.

For more information please contact Jad on 0412 554 466 or Jad@Klemms.com.au

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