Cleaning Services Franchise Opportunity

12 days ago

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Cleaning Services Franchise Opportunity $30,000 (16711)

About the Business

Aspiring business owners have the opportunity to join a reputable franchise engaged a myriad of in-demand services targeting Melbourne's property market. The franchisor will provide ongoing support for all franchisees to succeed and lead their best lives including a guaranteed minimum annual income/revenue of $200K!
* Well-Established franchisor
* Guaranteed minimum $200K PA in work
* Managed marketing efforts
* Established supply chain
* Time flexibility
* Diverse service capability
* Exceptional systems & processes
* Ongoing support
Simon Sheridan and the team at LINK Melbourne are excited to bring an excellent franchise opportunity to aspiring business owners. The franchisor is a booming brand providing:
Cleaning Services
Roof, Gutter & Solar services
Auto Care & Detailing
Building & Construction ancillary services
Mowing & Garden Care
Plumbing, HVAC and Electrician Services
And much more!
Aspiring business owners may choose from a wide range of services with all leads supplied and managed by the franchisor with the franchisee only needing to perform the job at hand.
Franchisees may expect to benefit from the name recognition of the franchisor due to its wealth of experience over 15 years of operations. The franchisor will be able to help franchisees streamline the experience of owning and operating a business as well as provide ongoing support as needed.
Included in the franchise opportunity is a five-year term with the option to renew every five years. Franchisees will also receive a comprehensive operations manual, depending on the type of franchise secured, as well as business software and access to an approved supplier network.
With almost everything to be provided by the franchisor, prospective business owners have an amazing opportunity to succeed. Become a franchise partner today and start realising your dream of business ownership.
Listing ID: ME02197
Broker: Simon Sheridan
Phone: 0400 858 900
Note that some details of the business for sale are confidential and disclosure is subject to completing a Confidentiality Agreement and the discretion of the broker.
Stock photo images may be used to represent the business on an unidentified basis. Purchasers are required to make their own enquiries in order to verify the information provided.
Ref: ME02197
Timestamp: 20240605010004

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