A Highly Profitable & Immaculately Fitted Cafe in Northcote

14 days ago

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A Highly Profitable & Immaculately Fitted Café in Northcote $1,100,000 (16788)

About the Business

This business is a trendy cafe in Northcote, known for its immaculate interiors and stellar food and beverage offerings. It has been operating since 2012 and has significantly benefited from its prime location, translating into its substantial weekly takings even post-COVID-19!
*$30,000 takings PW
*$65,000-70,000 takings PW pre-covid
*$500,000 worth of P&E
*Nearly 16,000+ followers on social media
*Excellent Google reviews
Simon Sheridan and the team at LINK Melbourne are excited to present a well-established cafe to the market.
It is a popular cafe serving premium coffee and healthy meals made with seasonal, fresh and local ingredients.
It is a solid operation driving lucrative revenue per week and is proven resilient considering its consistently strong takings after the pandemic.
It is positioned in a prime location, along a bustling shopping strip and close to key suburb amenities such as transportation options, entertainment establishments and other thriving hospitality businesses exposed to high volumes of passing traffic daily!
Its premises is sure to impress with its exquisitely floor-to-ceiling windows, contemporary interiors and its substantial seating capacity for 80 customers inside and out.
It is extensively equipped with all assets necessary for operations with not a cent to spend.
Looking to run a profitable and well-established cafe? You cannot find a better business than this!
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity. Give me a call today!
Listing ID: ME02286
Broker: Simon Sheridan
Phone: 0400 858 900
Email: simon.sheridan@linkbusiness.com.au
Ref: ME02286
Timestamp: 20240520013438

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