Jim’s Group started as a part-time gardening business while Jim Penman completed his PhD in history. It went full time in 1982 and was franchised in 1989. Currently, there are over 2900 Franchisees in four countries, and growing at the rate of around 200 per year. Jim’s Group also boasts one of Melbourne’s best conference centres which is used for meetings, functions and training for Jim’s franchisees and staff.
There are no company owned businesses and all work is done by Franchisees. Franchisor rights are also privately held and all Divisions, except Mowing, are partnerships with individuals experienced in those industries.
Jim is the owner and full-time CEO of Jim’s Group. He is happily married with ten children, loves his work and has no plans to retire – ever!
For all the business success he has enjoyed over the years, Jim Penman remains remarkably unassuming. At the start of the interview, when Wealth Creator asks to confirm his correct business title, he has no idea. He has to pull out his business card, which says he is a director.
“It’s funny though, when you own a business,” he said. “You don’t ever introduce yourself as a director, or CEO or founder or anything like that. I just say “I’m Jim” and that is usually enough.”…As written in Wealth Creator Magazine
Why us
Why Jim's Group?
Customer Service
We have a passion for customer service, and for this we need the best people. Our selection system rejects hundreds of potential Franchisees per year. We look for people with high standards who take pride in their work.
Our Franchisees decide exactly what services they want to offer, in which areas and on which days. We never give Franchisees work they do not want. So when we page out a lead, we expect it to be followed up promptly. We expect our Franchisees to turn up on time, wearing a full uniform, and to at least satisfy the customer. Ideally we aim to amaze them with the quality of our service.
Complaints are carefully monitored, and Jim posts his Email address on the public web site so that unhappy customers can contact him direct.
Plentiful Work
Customer service pays. Most of our Franchisees are working at capacity, and we knock back tens of thousands of potential clients a year. This despite rapid growth and an advertising spend under 2% of turnover. New Franchisees are offered a Work Availability Guarantee, which involves doing free promotional work in return for a guaranteed minimum income. The great majority of Franchisees never need to claim.
Training & Support
New Franchisees attend both a generic business training course and a technical one related to their Division. Franchisors provide ongoing support through regular meetings and one-on-one business coaching over the phone. This involves fast response to questions and a pro-active call at least once a month.
National office phones each Franchisee yearly, to check on satisfaction and support.
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Jim's Group
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