Transfer station & skip bin hire business for sale near Clayton

17 days ago

Everest Commercial Property & Business Brokers

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Business is located less than 16 kilometres from the CBD and has a Valuable transfer station licence (environmental permit). The company has consis...

About the Business

Business is located less than 16 kilometres from the CBD and has a Valuable transfer station licence (environmental permit).

The company has consistently expanded year after year to establish itself as one of the most reputable waste management and recycling operations near the CBD.

Business generated $4.6 Million in revenue in FY2022, increasing sales year after year.

The business has been divided into two different divisions, the Transfer Station and the waste bin hire section.

There are a number of expensive machines, trucks and over 300 skip bins allocated to the business.

The current fleet of trucks, skip bins, and equipment replacement value is approximately $4,500,000.

Projected net profit for the 2023 fiscal year is aimed at $1,800,000.

With opportunities for extensive lease extensions or the ability to purchase the land at the current market price, the current rent is $230,000 + GST per year.

A good investment and a business that can operate fully under managed.

To ensure a smooth transfer, the present owner is willing to assist for up to six months.

Under a strict NDA, potential buyers must provide the agent proof of their financial stability.

Application Inspections are priced and by appointment only.

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