Adelaide - Greater > South Australia
Investment level:
$400,000 + SAV
Commercial Services > Agriculture & Primary services > Agricultural
2023 fees Generated approximately $600,000 - 5 day operation only - Wide spread Client base - Limited competition in their areas of expertise - Long ...
2023 fees Generated approximately $600,000
- 5 day operation only
- Wide spread Client base
- Limited competition in their areas of expertise
- Long Established, Respected and Profitable
For genuine sale by Registration of Interest with Offers Sought over $400,000 + Stock
For Furter details contact exclusive broker Brian Sander from Benchmark Business Sales & Valuations Adelaide Office on:
M: 0418 823 248
T: 1300 366 521
If you’d like to know more about this business, go to our website www.benchmarkbusiness.com.au and use the reference: bus5155 to search for the business.
Please ensure you have the necessary capital before expressing an interest in this business.
The image shown is for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the business.
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