Perth - Greater > Western Australia
Investment level:
Personal Services > Real Estate, Property & Relocation > Real Estate Property Relocation
Explore a 50/50 real estate investment partnership. Kindly provide a brief background description. one million plus investment required.
The prospect of achieving an average annual return of almost 18% is incredibly appealing. Such impressive returns surpass many other investment avenues and demonstrate the efficacy of your business model. I am confident that joining forces will maximize our earning potential and achieve substantial financial growth.
No Skills are Required; everything in place can explain the Business Model in 2 hours.
5 hours a week required.
No Employees required.
Not Selling Looking for a Partner 50/50
You own and rent the assets for an 18% to 20% return. Not to the random people, to the agencies I work with. If you want to sell the property you just need to give 3 months notice to the agency the property is leased.
I started this Business in 2021, and now I need a partner to take it to the next level.
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