Florist For Sale

10 days ago

Private Seller The Big Bunch

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Business is 35 years old (current owner 18 years) Asking price is $290,000 which will include flower van 2006 Toyota Hiace valued at $15,000.


$704,000 pa


$59,484 pa

Location Details

539 High St
The shop is on high st, Prahran. There is ample parking at front of store.


The purchaser can expand our corporate and wedding operations.


Floral skills would be an advantage.


7 days a week


A new lease will be drawn up for the purchaser


There is one full time and one permanent part time florist

Reason for Sale

Owner looking to retire

About the Business

Business is 35 years old (current owner 18 years)
Asking price is $290,000 which will include flower van 2006 Toyota Hiace valued at $15,000.

Rent $4957.00. Owner has agreed to draw up a new lease and keep the rent the same.

Last financial year turnover $704,000

Purchaser will be given access to all private clients and corporate accounts.

There is a fully functioning Ecommerce website that is running fantastically.

The advantage of purchasing the business prior to February is that the new owner will reap rewards from Valentines Day and Mothers Day


In 35 years there have only been 2 owners. Current owner has run the business for last 18 years. The Big Bunch has been rated Melbourne's top 3rd florist by Broardsheet. This is a rare opportunity to acquire this fabulous business.

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