Excellent Italian Pizza Restaurant Newtown

8 days ago

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Internal Ref: NSW10424


Highlights of the business: - Currently trades 5 days only - Sales $18,000 - $20,00 per week - Licensed to 12am - Excellent fitout - Well equipped commercial kitchen - 6 yr Lease - Rent $1450 per wk

About the Business

Highlights of the business:

- Currently trades 5 days only
- Sales $18,000 - $20,00 per week
- Licensed to 12am
- Excellent fitout
- Well equipped commercial kitchen
- 6 yr Lease
- Rent $1450 per wk inc gst
- Increase Revenue by extending trading hours
- Trendy Restaurant Location
- Excellent Social media reviews

Seats: 60

Listing ID: NSW10424

Broker: Nick Poulos
Phone: 0410 076 114
Email: nick.poulos@linkbusiness.com.au

To find out more, press the “Enquire Now” button to complete an online confidentiality agreement.

Note that some details of the business for sale are confidential and disclosure is subject to completing a Confidentiality Agreement and the discretion of the broker.

Stock photo images may be used to represent the business on an unidentified basis.

Purchasers are required to make their own enquiries in order to verify the information provided.

Ref: NSW10424
Ref: NSW10424
Timestamp: 20231016013003

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