Childcare Business in South Australia - Adelaide

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Celestine Eramo


• Premium facility with high fees • Strong financials • State-of-the-art design and amenities

About the Business

Childcare operators, a must-see business in a tightly held area. Easy to run remotely or have as much input and contact day to day as you desire.
• Large Early Learning Centre: A state-of-the-art over 120 place purpose built childcare centre, operating for 6 years.
• Community Favorite: An outstanding single level freehold premises, purpose-built to a very high
• standard with expansive outdoor covered play and well-designed playground.
• Strong Financials: Average 73% occupancy and revenue of over $3.5 million for the 2023-2024 financial year.
• Above Average Fees: Commands premium rates compared to competitors.
• Attractive Rent and Lease Terms: Rent at an affordable $3,400 per place and a long lease with options until 2053.
• Brand New Facility: The layout is practical and uncomplicated, and the ancillary areas include ample storage and multiple staff areas.
• Prime Location: Prominent corner position next to shopping centre
• High Demand Area: Excellent supply of 0–5-year-olds in catchment

Contact Celestine Eramo 0408 111 383 to receive a detailed information memorandum.
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