4 days ago

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Internal Ref: 4710764


Good business Bottle Shop, large premises with busy location wonderful set up, a lot of potential. * Good busy location * Large premises --125m2* Taking $10,000p/w* Low rent $894p/w* 15 years long...

About the Business

Good business Bottle Shop, large premises with busy location wonderful set up, a lot of potential.

* Good busy location
* Large premises --125m2
* Taking $10,000p/w
* Low rent $894p/w
* 15 years long lease
* Selling price $350,000
* Easy to run
* A lot of potential

For more information on property #4710764, please call or email:
Tony Tang on 0422 161 421
or email:

New Century Business Broker
26 Rutland Road, Box Hill VIC 3128
Tel: 03 9898 2874

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