Veterinary Hospital Animal Clinic

28 days ago

Private Seller

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A exceptionally profitable 100% small animal practice in North of Perth WA . Brilliant position, ample parking & large signage. It has all the equipment for extensive medical & complex surgery cases.

Location Details

On a main road, with large signage. Massive shopping centre, Bunnings & Woolworths an easy walk. Large parking lot and easy access. Fast developing area with extensive growth. Close to beaches, parks, restaurants & nature walks for a great lifestyle.

Reason for Sale

Owner wants to retire.

About the Business

This practice is ideal for a veterinarian or team of veterinarians who want to make a fresh start in Perth Western Australia. It has been extremely profitable for many years and the owner now would like to retire. Typically asking price is near turnover values but the asking price has been substantially reduced to make for a quick sale. The owner is happy to discuss plans for a smooth transition as well as price based on proven turnover ( past or say in the next 6 months) so the new owner will not be left with a business that is not making the figures advertised. This is a private sale so you will be dealing directly with the owner (which helps keep the sales price to a minimum ie no commisions to be added). The clientelle are loyal and many have been coming to the establishment for over 10 years. The owner would appreciate a private sale so a comprehensive portfolio is available to all genuine buyers. This includes extensive descriptions, accountant audited financials, photos, stock and equipment

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