Keywords can narrow your search results, helping you to find the type of business opportunity you’re after. This can be either a particular industry, location, business name or a term important to you (e.g. mobile business, work from home etc.)
By default your search results are listed in the order of relevancy, if you have used keywords in your search. This means that the ads that best match your keywords will be displayed at the top of the resutls list. If you have not used any keywords in your search, or have arrived to the Search Results page through Browse links or Company Directory, the ads will be displayed in the date order. 

Here are ome tips on how to get the most out of your keywrod search:

One word

Depending on the word, the results will show you business opportunities that have that word in the ad description or, if the word is the same as one of SEEK Business’s industry categories, the results will list business opportunities classified in that category.

More than one word

If you search for two words, for example Florist Sydney, your results will list all the positions that include the words florist AND Sydney. These words would not necessarily appear together.  

Phrase searches

You don't need to use quotation marks or AND in order to search for a phrase. Just like any search with more than one word, simply type in your keywords (eg. Gold Coast, fish and chips). 

Automatic recognition of similar words

You don't have to worry about including different variations of the same word. The system automatically recognises things such as:
  • Common abbreviations: e.g. Syd = Sydney
  • Common phrases: e.g. cafe = coffee shop
  • Plurals: e.g. chip = chips
  • Stemming: e.g. camp = camping

Automatic exclusion of common words

SEEK Business ignores common words and characters such as THE, AN, AND, ALSO, symbols such % and /. These tend to slow down your search without improving the results.