OPORTO | Freestanding Drive Thru Restaurant For Sale in Meadowbrook, QLD

15 days ago

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Colleen Collins


QLD is loving our vibrant produce and Portuguese flavours. Oporto is expanding rapidly across the state. Own your own business with a leading QSR brand.

Location Details

Loganlea Road, Meadowbrook, QLD 4209

About the Opportunity

At Oporto, food and family are the driving forces behind everything we do. We’re focused on family values, and every day, we work from the heart. We’re not afraid of our curious side and always look for ways we can be better.

Oporto is a dynamic growing QSR in Australia. This new franchise business offers the opportunity to join the familia by owning a Drive-thru location in Meadowbrook, QLD.

Oporto has achieved a superior format in this area with prime branding including a dedicated pylon sign that has been achieved to be located facing busy Loganlea Road.

Estimated Opening: August 2025

Because we win together.
Buying an Oporto store brings you into a family of professional people who are focused on embracing work & life at every moment of every day – and better still, they are ready to support you every step of the way’. We’ll train you to be the best business owner you can be, and help you grow your grilled chicken franchise. We’re exciting, future-thinking and we work hard.

With a huge network ready to step in and help, success is right here waiting for you.At Oporto, food and family are the driving forces behind everything we do. We’re focused on family values, and every day, we work from the heart. We’re not afraid of our curious side and always look for ways we can be better. We strive to make a difference in the world, and bring happiness to our big Oporto familia.

We welcome your interest in joining the Oporto familia and look forward to exploring this exciting opportunity with you in greater detail.

Marketing support

We provide expertise and a best practice approach to help you succeed. The franchising, training, property, construction, supply chain and technology teams are ready to get your restaurant open and running smoothly along with the operations, marketing and product development teams. Our experts are with you the whole way and are always on hand to help your store thrive long into the future.

Training provided

Oporto has developed into a strong player within the quick service restaurant market over the past 3 decades and this growth is set to continue. With a well-developed, tried and tested system and the assistance of a large, well-resourced team Oporto presents an excellent opportunity for franchisees that do not have experience in the food sector.


We’re always on the lookout for motivated people to join our incredible franchisee team and share in our growing success within this dynamic fresh & fast food industry. Oporto franchisees are brand custodians, ensuring their actions and those of their restaurant team are reflective of the brand.

Year Business Established



Oporto was born from one man’s passion and his philosophy was simple, ‘provide unique and delicious food in a friendly environment’... and that is exactly how it was, everyone who came to the shop were considered friends... family. Our team are instilled with his passion and commitment. We are nimble, agile, and are focused on the customer experience, the family experience. Together we strive for success and to make a world of difference.

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