Northwest Township Popular Cafe destination

4 days ago

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$195,000 including Plant & Equipment

Location Details

1292 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005

About the Business

Hullabaloo Café offers a fantastic business opportunity in booming Dampier / Karratha region
Serving the busy and high-income mining town of Dampier
The business services staff and personnel from large mining and resource companies, requiring a high volume of food services
Dampier is one of the busiest ports in Australia and includes a substantial transient population of FIFO workers and tourists with a local population of 1200.
Fine Coffee, Soft Drinks, Home Made Food and Cakes
Catering service to local businesses and sports clubs
Additional income selling souvenirs, First Aid Kits (very popular), paintings, bags, gifts
Located in Dampier Shopping Centre providing both indoor and outdoor seating
layout can allow the addition of an indoor/outdoor bar areas
Only traditional Café in Dampier the township alternate venues include a Hotel, Chinese restaurant and the Yacht Club
Separate kitchen with a large cooker, big extractor hood, fryers, grills, sinks, commercial dishwasher and more – plus separate storeroom
Adjacent to family-friendly park with grassed areas, swings and a skate park
The area attracts a rapidly growing number of companies associated with mining such as Rio Tinto, Woodside, and Yarra (World’s largest fertiliser plant).
Rio, Yarra and Fugro all have accounts with this business
Option to extend the trading hours into the evening
A proposal for a new large caravan park in town plus more sporting clubs being developed in the area , Option to add a liquor license to the facilities
Produces above $720,000 in revenue with solid profits to the owners near $180,000

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