Award-Winning Marine & Outdoor Power Equipment Dealership in Epsom, Bendigo

18 days ago

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QUINTREX, YAMAHA, MERCURY, HUSQVARNA Sales, Parts & Service workshop on Midland Highway. Proposal for $12m RETAIL development sits directly opposite.Relocate/expand into Caravans, motorcycles!

Location Details

Enjoy the lifestyle and the great community of Bendigo - Wotif's 2024 Australian Town of the Year!! All an hour and half from Melbourne. Surround yourself with awesome boats through-out the day, then head out to Lake Eppalock after work for a fish.


Open 5.5 days per week, Closed Sunday


Business is run by Husband (Full time managing staff, sales) & Wife (3 days p/w Admin) + 2 Full time Qualified Marine/ Small Engine Mechanics + Service Advisor (Front Counter parts, showroom sales) + part time Apprentice.

About the Business

It is so rare to find a marine business with this combination of high-end brands. QUINTREX, YAMAHA, MERCURY. Very few businesses in Australia have this combination - making it a very enviable and sought-after business.

The expansion to include the HUSQVANA power equipment brand (small engines such as chainsaws, garden equipment, ride-on & push mowers) provides an excellent seasonal balance to the marine division.


Prominent Midland Highway frontage with ample parking. Proposal to build a $12m RETAIL HUB located directly opposite to this business, have been lodged with the council (refer image above).

Located in Central Victoria with a large and rapidly growing customer base throughout extensive areas of Victoria, close to lakes, Murray, Loddon and Goulburn Rivers, and within a 2-hour drive to the Williamstown boat ramp in Melbourne.

This fast-growing urban area is continuing to experience rapid expansion.


The site consists of a large showroom & office space with upstairs storage and boardroom, a separate boat yard for new and used boats exposed to the highway frontage, a workshop and a service area. A side road provides access to a large rear yard at the back of the business.

The long-term lease with several options provides a highly exposed highway frontage premise with excellent retail exposure in the rapidly growing hub of businesses in a large regional Victorian City.


The business is located in a fast-growing urban area which allows for massive opportunity. There is the potential to become a major player in the boating world of Victoria and beyond.


The long-established and loyal customer base will be maintained as the current owners plan a transition from business operations to semi-retirement over a flexible agreed term, to provide an outstanding opportunity for the new business owner/s.

$588k + SAV
Stock of new boats & engines is generally offset with a floorplan facility.


If you have business dexterity and enjoy the boating world, or perhaps looking to expose your current marine/leisure business to a whole new demographic with access to highly sort-after marine brands, or alternatively you’d like to diversify your existing business (eg: add caravans or expand power equipment!) please send your enquiry through this site.

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